Snowball vs. Avalanche Debt Payoff

The Snowball and Avalanche methods are two popular strategies for paying off debt. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and choosing the right one depends on your financial situation and personal preferences.

Snowball Method

How It Works:

List all your debts in order from the smallest balance to the largest, regardless of interest rates. Focus on paying off the smallest debt first while making minimum payments on the others.

Once the smallest debt is paid off, you move to the next smallest, and so on, creating a "snowball" effect as the amount you can put towards each subsequent debt grows.


Quick Wins: The Snowball method offers quick psychological wins as you eliminate debts faster. This can be very motivating.
Simplicity: It’s straightforward and easy to understand, making it a good choice for those who need a simple plan.

Costly: You might end up paying more in interest over time because you're not prioritizing higher-interest debts.


Avalanche Method

How It Works:

You list all your debts by interest rate, from the highest to the lowest. Focus on paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first while making minimum payments on the others.

Once the highest-interest debt is paid off, move to the next highest, and so on.



Saves Money: This method minimizes the amount of interest paid over time, potentially saving you money in the long run.
Efficient: It’s mathematically the most effective way to pay off debt, as it targets the most expensive debts first.


Slower Progress: It may take longer to see the first debt eliminated, which can be discouraging if you need quick wins to stay motivated.
Complexity: It requires more discipline, as you may need to resist the urge to pay off smaller debts first.


Which One Should You Choose?

  • Snowball Method: Best for people who are motivated by small victories and need encouragement to stay on track. It’s also great if you have a lot of small debts that you want to knock out quickly.
  • Avalanche Method: Best for those who want to minimize the total amount paid in interest. It’s ideal if you have a large amount of high-interest debt.

Some people even combine the two methods, starting with the Snowball method for motivation and then switching to the Avalanche method once they've built momentum.

Both strategies can be effective, and the most important thing is to choose the one that you’ll stick with.