Experience easy integration with Quicken™ and QuickBooks®.
Cornerstone members can view their account history through personal financial management software like Intuit’s Quicken™ and QuickBooks®. Using Quicken™ software, you can select Cornerstone Community Financial Credit Union as a listed financial institution, input your online banking credentials, and retrieve your account data directly to Quicken™.
Standard Setup
To setup or regain access to Quicken™ and QuickBooks®, please select the applicable document for setup details and instructions.
Express Web Connect Setup
Cornerstone uses Express Web Connect to connect to Quicken™, which allows users to use the same User ID and Password as your Online Banking Login. Select your preferred platform below:
If you experience any issues, start a Conversation via Online or Mobile Banking, or give as a call at (800) 777-6728 and one of our friendly representatives will walk you through the setup.
To contact Quicken™ Support directly: 1-800-811-8766 (M-F, 8am – 8pm EST).